I guess every cook/baker has a list of dishes or treats that they haven’t made because they are intimidated by them I know I have a list. Crème Brûlée is one, Pudding, Custard of any kind. Over time, and baking with The TWD group I have conquered all them. Some well, some not so much, but conquered none the less.

But there is One More – POPOVERS!! I have been collecting recipes for years but never had the courage, yes, courage, to try them. Thank goodness for Baking with Julia.

This weeks ‘assignment’ was…


And I could not believe how EASY they were. And I cannot understand why I had put them off for so long!!! I always thought I would have to have a pop-over pan to make them. Not so, Grasshopper!! A simple regular sized muffin pan is perfect. And they came out perfectly. YAY!!

Popovers are hollow and lend themselves to being filled with honey and butter, or syrup

The American answer to the Sopapilla, the Beignet, the Pate Choux {those were also somewhat conquered!!}. They are really tasteless so they allow the flavors of the filler to come through. Knowing they are so easy I plan to make them often for Easter Dinners, Christmas Dinner. I made 1/2 of the recipe and ended up with 5 popovers.

Popovers are on page 213 of Baking with Julia and is hosted by Paula of Vintage Kitchen Notes and Amy of Bake With Amy. The recipe is on their blogs.

If popovers are on your ‘Intimidation’ List. Make them. Make them soon. EASY!!!