June is my birthday month. Because of this I got to choose one of the recipes for Tuesdays with Dorie. I wanted something celebratory so I chose the jelly roll cake on page 135 of Dorie Greenspan’s Baking with Dorie: Sweet Salty and Simple.

There were several alternatives that we could do with this cake. I chose to make mine into a Chantilly cake. I filled it with whipped cream, strawberries, blueberries, and cherries. Then I frosted it with the same thing. I would have taken an ‘inside’ pic of the cake but it was eaten (church supper) before I had a chance.
Roll cakes are so much fun to make. But I am always surprised when mine turn out. I’d like to do the coca roll, which was one of the alternatives.

The other possibility for this month was the strawberry rhubarb squares, but I could not find any rhubarb anywhere in Central Louisiana. When I find some…

I’m going to try to start baking more. I miss it.

Meanwhile, check out What the other bakers made this week for Tuesdays with Dorie.