Trust Dorie!! Trust Dorie!! Trust Dorie!!

You would think after almost 3 years of baking with Dorie Greenspan I would remember that.
But this isn’t baking – it’s cooking!! Different!! Right?? Well, maybe not when it comes to cooking…

    Trust Dorie!! Trust Dorie!!

But it was hard this time.

When I looked at the recipe originally I decided I would make it but I wouldn’t like it. Nope, just wouldn’t! Why?? Well, lets look at the ingredients.

    capers (ewwwe)
    cornichons (simply – pickles) (ewwwe)

Which would be chopped up all together (double ewwwwe!!) with sun-dried tomatoes, parsley, and tarragon and then mixed with the ground beef to make a patty.

Well, I’ll make it, I’ll eat it, but I won’t like it!!

    Trust Dorie!! Trust Dorie!!

So I made the onion marmalade with the red onion, water, butter and coriander. And it was DELICIOUS!! I could eat that by spoonfuls. By bowlfuls. Yes, it was THAT good.

So how about the burger?? I was SOOO wrong!! It. Was. DELICOUS. No kidding. The additions of the capers, cornichons and spices just gave the whole mix a wonderful flavor. I made one burger just for me and I am so glad I did. With the addition of the marmalade and the ribbons of Parmesan cheese it was probably the best burger I have ever eaten. ANYWHERE!!

Thanks, Dorie! You made my day!!

Recipe is from Dorie’s around my french table on page 240.