Today’s lunch was easy to put together and very tasty. Red potatoes. Cabbage “steaks”. Bratwurst sausage. Toss it in a mustard based paste. Put on a sheet pan and roast. What could be easier. AND it is good!!

My sausage was a little larger than usual so I put them in the Air Fryer for about 3 minutes after I removed them from the oven. And since I don’t care much for chicken/apple sausage I used fresh Bratwurst from Aldi’s. Not completely compliant but that is What Food Freedom is all about. Using mostly compliant foods. I thought the paste was a little thick to toss the potatoes and cabbage. I think I might add a little OVEE next time for better coverage.

The recipe is from Whole 30 Fast and Easy (page 139). I also found the recipe HERE!

Kayte made this as well.