Thanks to Mary of FoodLibrarian we have another Day of Celebration –

    National Bundt Day

And it is fortuitous that it is today since those of us who are Secret Bakers (Happy bakers sending treats once a month to other Happy Bakers) are baking Bundts and putting them in the mail TODAY!!

How PERFECT is THAT!!!!!

So without further ado, let me present an 80’s Flashback….Ta Da…..

    Sock It To Me Cake!!!!

I had not had one of these in YEARS. But our next door neighbor brought one over and it was delicous. And so incredibly simple. Usually I make everything from scratch (especially since joining TWD) but I made an exception for this. And since she brought me her recipe I have made more than one. And they don’t last long. Just goes to show good doesn’t have to be complicated.

Cake Mix
1 box yellow cake mix
3/4 cup oil
1/2 cup sugar
8 oz sour cream
4 eggs
1/2 cup chopped pecans

3 Tsp cinnamon
2 Tbl sugar
1/3 – 1/2 cup ground pecans

Mix cake mix, oil, sugar, and sour cream together.
Add eggs one at a time.
Add Chopped pecans.
In a seperate bowl mix together the cinnamon, sugar, and ground pecans.
Pour 1/2 of the batter into a WELL GREASED bundt pan.
Sprinkle sugar/cinnamon/pecan mix over top of batter.
Add remaining batter.
Bake 1 hour at 350Β°

If you want a glaze, I just used a basic powdered sugar/butter/vanilla glaze. But you really don’t need one. It is moist, sweet, and delicious without one.

Happy National Bundt Day, Everyone.


      Go Bake a Bundt.

You’ll be glad you did!!!

NaBloPoMo Day 15.