Breakfast has become a popular meal in this house in the last few years. On Weekends we go for the Big Breakfast – eggs/toast/sausage or maybe pancakes/waffles. During the week it is a small meal – eggs or toast or cereal. The Best Thing for Breakfast – however – is English Muffins. I have bought them for years and have always had a soft spot in my heart stomach for them. Making them was not something I considered. But that was then, and this is NOW. NOW I don’t buy bread anymore – I make it. And English Muffins have now become part of that.

This was not my first time to make these. In October 2008 I made English Muffins from a recipe I found at Pete Bakes. At the time I didn’t know about BBA and Peter Reinhart. And when I made them I didn’t know I was using a BBA recipe. I do now. Seems I have made these before. And they were good. I didn’t end up with many nooks and crannies, but still much better than store bought – of course. DUH!!

Please visit the other members — Kayte, Nancy, Cathy, Audrey, Jessica, Melissa, Sarah, Di, Karen, Natalia, Tracey, and Leslie, of the Slow and Steady BBA and see their English Muffins.

I did not join the Slow and Steady Group until August of this year, so I am trying to catch up. The bakers were already on Ciabatta bread – I had 6 breads to make to catch up. I’ve done 3.



All of these were fun. I had no idea you had to boil and THEN bake the bagels. I made the Middle Class Brioche ( with my new Brioche pan)DSC04102. Psychedelic Pan! The recipe gave me one regular brioche, 10 minis and one loaf. Really good. While I was familiar with Bagels and Brioche, Castiello was a new one. The bread contains cheese and meat. I used shredded cheddar and Summer Sausage chunks. The taste of the cheese was very subtle. Next time I want to use chunks of cheese rather than Shred. Sliced this makes an excellent grilled sandwich. Jut add a little sliced cheese.

All I have left now are Anadama, Greek Celebration Bread (Artos) and Challah. I am looking forward to these.