Today is Green Bean day for GFGF. Today we are making a favorite or new recipe with green beans. Did you know you can do more than make a green bean casserole with green beans? There are tons of recipes out there.

Today I chose to make a German Green Bean Salad. It was a fave for a German friend of mine who was happy to share the recipe. We had it at Supper Club one night and everyone loved it.

Mix together:

1 can of French style green beans, 1 crumbled boiled egg, and enough (I used about 1/3 bottle) Italian Salad Dressing to cover the beans. Yes, yes, I know it is a GERMAN salad but these are the American equivalents she uses now in the US.

It is quick, delicious, and easy.

Want more? Visit Kayte, Peggy, Ulrike, Donna, and Nancy

Tune in on October 9th for TOMATOES.