What’s not to like about a frittata made with mushrooms, leeks, and fresh spinach. My answer – nothing! I made this for my lunch today and it was very tasty.

I made only half a recipe in my frittata pan. (I call this my frittata pan because that’s all I make in it. It was made for me by a friend.)

I followed the recipe exactly except for one thing. I used Tony’s seasoning without salt instead of the red pepper flakes. Tony’s always adds a good deal of flavor. I use the seasoning without salt because I had already salted the egg mix.

All you need for this is six eggs, a cup of sliced mushrooms, two leeks, seasonings, and 6 ounces of chopped spinach. That’s it.

The recipe is on page 16 of Melissa Hartwig’s The Whole 30 Cookbook. If you don’t have a whole 30 cookbook, this is one of the three you should have.

You can also find the recipe HERE.