Baking Rose’s Bread

I don’t participate in Baking Rose’s Breads very often because I don’t eat bread any more. Well, not regular bread anyway. But I make cornbread about weekly for B. Unless I make Butterswim Biscuits. They happen to be my favorite but…

The second choice for BRB this month was Quintessential Corn Muffins. Since B is a cornbread lover I decided to make a batch for him. The recipe is from Rose Levy Beranbaum’s The Bread Bible.

The recipe gave me 10 muffins when I used the little silicon muffins cups which I was gifted from Nancy. I love those little muffin cups. No sticking. So easy.

They baked up so pretty. With the perfect little dome.

Unfortunately these were not a hit. They weren’t bad, they were just…different. To me they had a slight aftertaste. Sorry, Rose. I’m going back to my old recipe.

Kayte made these muffins. And liked then a lot.

If you want to bake with us you need access to Rose’s book. We don’t publish the recipes. Sometimes we find them on line.

Kayte, Laurie, Gaye, and Nancy were baking from Rose Levy Beranbaum’s the bread bible. They invited me along on their journey. How could i refuse baking with such great company. By the time I joined in they had already made her Cheddar Loaf and Rosemary Focaccia Sheet. I’ll go back for those later.

I did get in on the Ginger Scones. Scones are one of my favorite breads to make. We use them for our tea parties and i make them for a small local coffee shop. These were delicious. Lots of flavor from the powdered ginger and the crystallized ginger (which I had trouble finding).

These are definitely going into the scone rotation. I discovered I had Rose’s book on my Kindle. If you don’t have her book you can find the recipe HERE. And when you make them eat them fresh from the oven with lots of butter!

Check out the other’s Ginger Scones.



If you have this book come bake with us!

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