I have to admit I had never eaten a parsnip. It was not a veggie any one in my family had ever cooked. And I would not have cooked it now if Ulrike had not chosen it for this week’s veggie.

I would have to describe it as “not a carrot”. It looks like a white carrot. The taste is similar to a carrot but with a little bite.

I looked at a lot of recipes. Most of the recipes were for mashing, roasted, or in a soup.

i decided to go simple. Roasted. With butter and garlic.

I have to admit they weren’t bad but not something I would use again. I’d just as soon have carrots.

Here is the recipe

Kayte, Ulrike, and Peggy all made parsnip dishes. Go check them out.

If you want to join us just let one of us know. We’ll give you the schedule through the end of the year.