
I don’t participate in Baking Rose’s Breads very often because I don’t eat bread any more. Well, not regular bread anyway. But I make cornbread about weekly for B. Unless I make Butterswim Biscuits. They happen to be my favorite but…

The second choice for BRB this month was Quintessential Corn Muffins. Since B is a cornbread lover I decided to make a batch for him. The recipe is from Rose Levy Beranbaum’s The Bread Bible.

The recipe gave me 10 muffins when I used the little silicon muffins cups which I was gifted from Nancy. I love those little muffin cups. No sticking. So easy.

They baked up so pretty. With the perfect little dome.

Unfortunately these were not a hit. They weren’t bad, they were just…different. To me they had a slight aftertaste. Sorry, Rose. I’m going back to my old recipe.

Kayte made these muffins. And liked then a lot.

If you want to bake with us you need access to Rose’s book. We don’t publish the recipes. Sometimes we find them on line.

There is usually cornbread with supper in this house. More than bread. More than biscuits. Hubs loves cornbread. So this week instead of my usual Aunt Jemima cornbread recipe I switched to Dorie Greenspan’s Whip-it-up-quick cornbread. Which isn’t that much different from the cornbread I usually make.

ot the best pic but it was late.
Dorie’s recipe uses more cornmeal and less flour but just about every thing else is the same. 2 eggs. 1 3/4 cup buttermilk. Also, Dorie uses cayenne pepper and black pepper. No usually found in my cornbread. The 2-3 Tbl of sugar is optional, unless you live in my house.

I wasn’t sure if Hubs would like her cornbread so I made 1/2 a recipe in a 6″ cast iron skillet. I added cheddar cheese on the top and crumbled bacon to the mix. Corn would have been nice…but Hubs.

I did switch out the sugar with Erythritol. Mistake. It didn’t make the cornbread as sweet as we like it. Next time…

The recipe is on page 339 of Dorie’s newest treasure Baking with Dorie: Sweet, Salty, and Simple. If you don’t have her book yet (shame on you!) you can find it HERE as well.

For more cornbread visit the other bakers of Tuesdays with Dorie and see how theirs turned out. Some of us made cornbread. Some of us made One Bite Cinnamon Puffs.

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