This week I ‘met’ a new vegetable- the RUTABAGA. Let me tell you it is one ugly root veggie. I found one finally and brought it to its new home. It was covered in a waxy substance and looked like a huge turnip. I thought, this can’t be good. Why is it covered in Wax? I found the answer to that question – to keep them from drying out.

I could not decide what to do with my new veggie friend until I talked to Kayte and we were discussing recipes. We found we both agreed that ‘fries’ might be the best answer because we both have picky husbands and this might be the best way to introduce this one. Bill was NOT a fan! Oh, well, cannot please everyone. I rather liked the rutabaga fries and they will make a good substitute for KETO.

All of the recipes for rutabaga fries are basically the same. Toss in a little OVEE and add seasonings. And that is what I did. Salt, pepper, paprika. And then I tossed them in my Air Fryer and let it do all the work. Easy Peasey. I do love my Air Fryer.

I ate some plain and some with a little shredded cheese. The cheese added a whole different world to my KETO lifestyle. YAY CHEESE!!!

Thanks, Ulrike for my new veggie. Interesting tidbit – in Germany a rutabaga is a SWEDE.

More rutabaga dishes:







Our next veggie is Kayte’s choice – onions and leeks. That should be fun. Onion soup, Kayte?